Linda Fernandez  – 2D Visual Arts – Group 2, Round 3 Awardee

Cobbs Creek Art club is a monthly intergenerational workshop for families and people of all ages.

Project Description

Cobbs Creek Art Club will be a monthly workshop for adults in the Cobbs Creek neighborhood. Art is a powerful way to learn, express ideas and connect with other people. Workshops will be designed to express creativity and learn about nature with a focus on community building, meditation, and mindfulness! The monthly workshops will create an empowering space for community members to spend time exploring the natural environment and expressing themselves through art. Cobbs Creek has some amazing natural resources including indigenous species of plants, wildlife and the creek which is part of the Lenapehoking watershed. We’ll explore different art forms led by local artists and inspired by nature. No experience necessary, only a willingness to explore and create with neighbors and local artists in Cobbs Creek. Workshops will take place at the Cobbs Creek Community Environmental Education Center. The Center currently offers a variety of programming for youth and families but there is a need for creative and engaging programs for adults. I will work with the CCCEEC to promote these workshops to the local community and also to seek local artists to partner with in leading workshops. There are many artists in Cobbs Creek but not enough opportunities and spaces to create, skill share and exhibit artworks. This program will create that space for creativity to grow and expression to flourish. Towards the end of the year, we will host an exhibition at the Cobbs Creek Community Environmental Education Center which will be open to the public and feature artworks created during the workshops.

Statement of Ethics

Cobbs Creek is the area where I live and I’ve become involved with the park clean up group and other local groups focused on health, wellbeing and community engagement. I’ve developed relationships with local community centers, small business owners and individual community members. I plan to deepen these relationships through collaboration on this project. At the conclusion of the first year of programming for Cobbs Creek Art Club, we will establish a core group of people who are interested in continuing to meet and create art together; to explore and appreciate the natural environment and to use art to share and embrace the various cultures in our community.